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Smoke purifier common troubleshooting

by:RUIHE / DR. AIRE     2020-10-22
Smoke purifier common troubleshooting smoke purifier common fault such as electric short circuit, current voltage abnormal, import and export a grey board, an abnormal explosion-proof valve opening is not reset, etc. (1) smoke purifier electric short circuit caused by electric power and can't reset, by excluding short-circuit bar can be reset (2) maintenance regularly soot cleaning operations, improve the electric field work environment, it can prevent the current voltage is too low. (3) to the field manual scraping the grey board and troubleshooting. (4) to the scene confirmed explosion-proof valve state, confirm whether various limit work often, until the troubleshooting. Smoke purifier structure dust collecting electrode and corona electrode configuration in the same area called single zone smoke purifier, is currently widely used. If the dust collecting electrode and corona electrodes placed in the two areas, former area for charged area, area for the dust collecting area after this type of smoke purifier said double electrostatic precipitator. Smoke purifier ontology of a corona area to collect dust, dust collecting, slotted dust collecting electrode and electrode ash removal system.
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